Doncaster Fairness and Wellbeing Commission 

Fairness and Wellbeing Commision Red Banner

A Fairness and Wellbeing Commission is being formed to explore new ways to involve local people, organisations and businesses in looking at improving the lives of Doncaster residents.

Life for some people in Doncaster can be really difficult, with some people unable to easily access the things in life we consider essential such as food and heating, or spend lots of their time alone and feel isolated. This situation was highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic and more recently, the rising cost of living, putting a real squeeze on household incomes.

As part of the work the Commission is doing,  they are looking to gather the experiences of people who live and work in Doncaster to better understand the challenges and opportunities that residents may face.

We would like to hear from you on how you feel about living in Doncaster.